Sunday, 31 May 2015

Actually, the best gift you could have given her was a lifetime of adventure.

Last week had brought me quite a bit of sightseeing, Liege being the first place. I went there to see Thee Oh Sees, but left early to have a little wander around and although the city itself was quite disappointing the gig was one of the best I've had a chance to go to. Even the usually static Belgian audience was going crazy during this one, making the whole experience even better. A couple of days later I visited Leuven and I totally fell in love with the city, the architecture was to die for and it has this little town charm, which makes you want to stay there for longer. On another note, I'm going away for my holidays in Portugal this coming Saturday and I cannot wait ♥ You can expect a holiday post after I come back, but I'll surely be updating my Instagram profile on a daily basis. Outfitwise, I've finally found my perfect button-up denim skirt, which is a great substitute for not having any jeans in my wardrobe. 

Skirt & tee – Zara
Bag – Brandy Melville
Trench coat - Primark


  1. Świetna torebka

  2. piękny kolor włosów! I zachwycający płaszcz! ;)

  3. Ruda torebka z frędzlami do rudych włosów...super!!! Też tak łączę;))

  4. Gratulujemy bloga prowadzonego z pomysłem ;)
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